Frequently Asked Questions


  • We are at full capacity with a waitlist. Please contact us to join the waitlist.

  • I already registered but now I can’t make it. How do I cancel my registration?

  • Since it’s a free conference, will I still need to check in?

    • YES!  We will check in everyone because we have limited seating.  Only 450 seats available. 

  • I’m on the waitlist. How will I know if I’ve been registered and able to attend?

    • If a spot opens up, our registration system will let you into the event and send you an email confirmation notifying you that you are now registered for the training. 

  • Can my child attend the adult session?  If so, can I register him/her as a Youth/Adult even though it says “Ages 13 & up”?

    • We will leave that up to the parent’s discretion whether or not to bring your child into the adult session.  There will be a lot of audience participation in practicing the prophetic. Yes, you must register her/him as and Adult/Youth if s/he will attend the main session and s/he must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.


  • Menu

    • Thursday Dinner: Kalua Pig Cabbage | Rice | Toss Salad

      Friday Dinner: Chili Dog | Rice | Toss Salad

      Saturday Lunch: Shoyu Chicken | Rice | Toss Salad

  • What if I have dietary restrictions?

    • We will cook in mass quantities and won’t be able to accommodate all diets/restrictions. Please plan accordingly.

  • What if I didn’t sign up for meals and would like to add meals to my registration?

    • Please email to edit your registration.

  • What if I arrive late on Thursday/Friday but still want a meal?

    • If we have left over food, you’re welcome to take a plate but there are no guarantees.  

  • Can my child eat a free meal with me before I drop him/her off to the Children’s Track?

    • Of course!  If they’re not hungry when they’re at the Children’s Track, they don’t have to eat the meal served there.  

Children’s Track:

  • What if my child has allergies/dietary restrictions?

    • Please send food with your child in a labeled lunch bag and with an ice pack if needed.

      • Thurs/Friday: dinner and a snack

      • Saturday: 2 snacks and lunch

  • What if my child isn’t potty trained?

    • Please pack extra clothes, wipes, and diapers in case of accidents.  Please label all items and your child’s bag.

  • Who will my children’s leaders be?

    • Ages 2-4: Pauahi Leoiki (Nanikapono Church)

    • Ages 5-7: Dwight & Eva Hubbard (Nanikapono Church)

    • Ages 8-12: Pastor Michele Okimura (Hope Chapel Life Spring)


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  • What if I registered before signing up to volunteer?

    • You can edit your registration to add your volunteer status OR simply email and we can edit your registration for you. 

  • Will I get a new volunteer shirt for this training?

    • We ask that you use your volunteer shirt from any previous conference.  However, if you’re a first-time volunteer, we will give you a shirt.

  • Will I be able to attend the training sessions if I’m a volunteer?

    • Yes, we design the team shifts so that you won’t miss the training sessions.

  • What if I can’t commit to volunteering all days?

    • You can just sign up for the days that work for you, preferably on one team.

  • Is it ok to volunteer on several teams?

    • As long as the timing works out and your ministry team leader approves, then you may.

  • What if I want to volunteer for another ministry that’s not available to sign up on the website

    • Please email:
