Frequently Asked Questions
We are at full capacity with a waitlist. Please contact us to join the waitlist.
I already registered but now I can’t make it. How do I cancel my registration?
Email our registration head leader, Dani Tokuda to cancel your registration at
Since it’s a free conference, will I still need to check in?
YES! We will check in everyone because we have limited seating. Only 450 seats available.
I’m on the waitlist. How will I know if I’ve been registered and able to attend?
If a spot opens up, our registration system will let you into the event and send you an email confirmation notifying you that you are now registered for the training.
Can my child attend the adult session? If so, can I register him/her as a Youth/Adult even though it says “Ages 13 & up”?
We will leave that up to the parent’s discretion whether or not to bring your child into the adult session. There will be a lot of audience participation in practicing the prophetic. Yes, you must register her/him as and Adult/Youth if s/he will attend the main session and s/he must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Thursday Dinner: Kalua Pig Cabbage | Rice | Toss Salad
Friday Dinner: Chili Dog | Rice | Toss Salad
Saturday Lunch: Shoyu Chicken | Rice | Toss Salad
What if I have dietary restrictions?
We will cook in mass quantities and won’t be able to accommodate all diets/restrictions. Please plan accordingly.
What if I didn’t sign up for meals and would like to add meals to my registration?
Please email to edit your registration.
What if I arrive late on Thursday/Friday but still want a meal?
If we have left over food, you’re welcome to take a plate but there are no guarantees.
Can my child eat a free meal with me before I drop him/her off to the Children’s Track?
Of course! If they’re not hungry when they’re at the Children’s Track, they don’t have to eat the meal served there.
Children’s Track:
What if my child has allergies/dietary restrictions?
Please send food with your child in a labeled lunch bag and with an ice pack if needed.
Thurs/Friday: dinner and a snack
Saturday: 2 snacks and lunch
What if my child isn’t potty trained?
Please pack extra clothes, wipes, and diapers in case of accidents. Please label all items and your child’s bag.
Who will my children’s leaders be?
Ages 2-4: Pauahi Leoiki (Nanikapono Church)
Ages 5-7: Dwight & Eva Hubbard (Nanikapono Church)
Ages 8-12: Pastor Michele Okimura (Hope Chapel Life Spring)
What if I registered before signing up to volunteer?
You can edit your registration to add your volunteer status OR simply email and we can edit your registration for you.
Will I get a new volunteer shirt for this training?
We ask that you use your volunteer shirt from any previous conference. However, if you’re a first-time volunteer, we will give you a shirt.
Will I be able to attend the training sessions if I’m a volunteer?
Yes, we design the team shifts so that you won’t miss the training sessions.
What if I can’t commit to volunteering all days?
You can just sign up for the days that work for you, preferably on one team.
Is it ok to volunteer on several teams?
As long as the timing works out and your ministry team leader approves, then you may.
What if I want to volunteer for another ministry that’s not available to sign up on the website
Please email:
Find out more about Dano McCollam and Bethany Hicks at the Prophetic Company (